Сокальська гімназія

:: 26.04.2024


Шкільний літопис :: Новини


#NationalVolunteerWeek We are pleased to express our sincere gratitude on behalf of our school for the exceptional organization of the language summer camps 2018,2019,2023 and 2024 by GoGlobal. These camps have not only equipped our students with essential language skills but have also broadened their cultural awareness and global perspectives.

The commendable dedication and hard work exhibited by the GoGlobal team in ensuring a fulfilling and immersive experience for our students are truly praiseworthy. The engaging activities and curriculum provided a stimulating learning environment, blending education with enjoyment seamlessly.

We are thankful for the valuable opportunity you have extended to our students to enhance their language proficiency in a dynamic and interactive setting. Your efforts have undeniably had a significant positive impact on their overall growth and development, and we eagerly anticipate future collaborations.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your commitment to promoting language education and facilitating cultural exchange. Your contributions to our students' learning journey are deeply valued, and we are grateful for everything you do for them.

#GoGlobal #GoCamp   

Додатково: Відео