Сокальська гімназія

:: 23.04.2024


Шкільний літопис :: Новини


This week we are celebrating #NationalVolunteerWeek, a time to recognize the invaluable contributions of volunteers across the country. At our school, students and teachers alike express their gratitude to all the volunteers who have made a difference in our community. We make it a point to show our appreciation every day, as we continue to collaborate and grow with the various volunteer organizations we work with.

The first group of volunteers we had the privilege to work with were from the Peace Corps Ukraine 2019 We are incredibly thankful to Tamara Prydatko and Oksana Shabas for believing in us and providing us with the opportunity to collaborate. For 1.5 years, our students enjoyed spending time and interacting with Allen Gonzales-Willert. The unforgettable "Night of Cinema and Music at the school," which was helped to organize by James Dangler Andrew Steck, stands out as a highlight for us. This event was followed by the establishment of an online English teachers' club with Nickolette, further enriching our educational experience.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support throughout all times! We look forward to welcoming volunteers back to our school in the future. Thank you for everything you do to make a positive impact on our community.

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